Giacomo Colombo - Horizon

Horizon is an arrangement of selected photographic sequences and videos captured in the Swedish Lapland, situated above the Arctic Circle,
spanning the years 2021 to 2023.
The work deals with the fascinating and disorienting wanderings within a landscape where the cycles of light and time are fractured.
North of the Arctic Circle, during winter, the sun never rises above the horizon and for about 24 hours the snowscape remains shrouded in darkness.
During this time of partial blackness, the refraction, the reflective surfaces of snow and ice, the glare of the moon, and the artificial lighting illuminate the arctic existence.
On days of clarity, a soft blue light gradually emerges, enveloping everything in a bluish luminescence that lasts for about thirty minutes before
the profound obscurity takes over again.

Giacomo Colombo


“Click”, said the camera.


Golfi verdi e parquet Panga Panga Green gulfs and Panga Panga parquet Milano San Felice